Proudly providing not-for-profit, community, high quality early childhood education since 1954


Griffith Preschool Kindergarten has generally always had a significant waiting list. We encourage families within the community to add your details into our system to be added to this list. Waiting list applications can be made from your child’s second birthday. When clicking on the link below you will be taken to another website called Kinder m8. This is our chosen system for information collection. From here we will access your details and register your interest with our Preschool.

Applications are valid for children 2 years and older.

Some years there can be a lot of movement with positions which can free up positions and make days available throughout each year. Some years can be lower due to birth rates in previous years. Please don’t assume you won’t get a position as you may never know your luck.

The enrolment process begins each year around August. Families are contacted by phone. Once positions have been placed in room lists each family will receive information about proceeding with the enrolment of your child.

If further information is required you will be asked to provide this information by the family tour and/or orientation afternoons.

If you would like assistance when adding your child to our waiting list, please feel free to contact us via email (see below), by phone or by dropping into the Preschool.


3-7 Kindergarten Lane,
Griffith NSW 2680

Ph:  (02) 6964 4283

Email us at
griffithpreschool [at]